Booking confirmation: Booking is confirmed by Valley Centre Developments Ltd receipt of a signed booking form agreeing to these terms and conditions. Valley Centre Developments Ltd will hold a booking without this confirmation for 48 hours of the booking request after which time Valley Centre Developments Ltd may agree to book the space to another client. Valley Centre Developments Ltd require all provisional bookings are confirmed within 7 days any reservations not confirmed within this time may be canceled.

Payments: The full payment of your booking should be made 7 days in advance of your event. An invoice specifying the agreed payment due date will be sent to you 30 days prior to your event or as soon as you request the booking. Deposits: Valley Centre Developments Ltd may require a deposit of 20% in order to confirm your booking. At which point an invoice will be sent out verifying agreed details including payment deadline. This will be the day the booking is required unless otherwise agreed. Failure to provide a deposit and/or pay the full invoice within the agreed deadline may result in Valley Centre Developments Ltd refusal to provide facilities on your arrival.

Changes to Booking: Items charged per head will require agreed delegate numbers at time of booking in order to accurately charge. These numbers can be adjusted as changes to the booking with no loss incurred up to 7 days before the event. After which period Valley Centre Developments Ltd will not refund any delegates who do not attend. Should more delegates attend your event than what was agreed upon in the booking process Valley Centre Developments Ltd may charge for each additional delegate. Changes to the original booking can be made and agreed upon up to 7 days before the event with no loss incurred. After which period Valley Centre Developments Ltd are not required to accommodate any major changes.

Cancellation Policy: Should you wish to cancel your booking Valley Centre Developments Ltd will endeavour to minimise the loss as far as possible, but may nevertheless charge a cancellation fee calculated according to the period of time between cancellation and the proposed event. Either party may cancel up to 2 months prior to your event with no liability. You may cancel at no extra cost up to 28 days before your event date. Cancellation after which period may result in loss of any deposit. Cancellation within 7 and 2 days before your event will incur a charge of 25% of the total booking. Cancellation within 48 hours of agreed access time will incur a charge at the full cost of your booking. Non-arrival to your booking without prior notice will also incur a charge at the full cost of your booking. Following the commencement of your event, Valley Church reserves the right to halt it in the event of unacceptable conduct of delegates or attendees. This course of action will be taken as a last resort and would result in 100% loss of income payable.

Timekeeping Policy: Valley Centre Developments Ltd will endeavor to ensure the premises are open on the time of agreed required access. Should a member of staff arrive less than 30 minutes after the agreed access time for your booking Valley Centre Developments Ltd will refund the first hour of your booking. Should a member of staff arrive over 30 minutes after the agreed access time Valley Centre Developments Ltd will refund the full cost of room hire. Valley Centre Developments Ltd will not refund any time for which you arrive after the agreed access time without over 48 hours notice given. Should you run over the agreed access time Valley Centre Developments Ltd may decide to charge a full hour's rate should you stay over 10 minutes after agreed access time and subsequent hours with the same grace period of 10 minutes.

Equipment Hire Policy: All equipment is checked over by a member of staff before being handed over to clients, as such any equipment hired from Valley Centre Developments Ltd that returns faulty or damaged will incur a charge of the full repair costs or the value of the item should it be damaged beyond repair. Your invoice will include an itemised list of all rooms and equipment booked through Valley Centre Developments Ltd. Should you require any further equipment or facilities on the day that are not included in your agreement then such items may be purchased, subject to availability, at full cost. Please note: We are a smoke free site. Any kind of drugs, alcohol and gambling are not permitted on the premises. Please sign this form or respond in writing to confirm that you have fully read our terms and conditions.

External catering: External catering are only allowed in special events and when Valley Coffee is unable to provide catering, a written authorization from Valley Conferencing will be granted and a fee of 25% of the booking will be applied Please sign this form or respond in writing to confirm that you have fully read our terms and conditions. This document must be signed before your booking can be confirmed.

Privacy Policy

1. Your personal data – what is it? Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

2. Who are we? Valley Church (a partner organisation) is the data controller (contact details below). This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

3. How do we process your personal data? Valley Conferencing complies with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To administer membership records;

  • To promote the interests of the organisation;

  • To manage our employees and volunteers;

  • To maintain our own accounts and records;

  • To perform religious ceremonies and services;

  • To inform you of news, events, activities and services at Valley Conferencing;

4. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data? Explicit consent of the data subject so that we can keep you informed about news, events, activities and changes in booking process. Processing is necessary for carrying out a legal or regulatory obligations; Processing is carried out by a not-for-profit body with a political, philosophical, religious or trade union aim provided:

  • the processing relates only to members or former members (or those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes); and

  • there is no disclosure to a third party without consent.

5. Sharing your personal data Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with other members of the organisation in order to carry out a service for purposes connected with Valley Conferencing. We may have to share your data with the following third parties or use third party service providers for the purposes set out below: CCPAS (The Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service) – for DBS (disclosure and barring service checks) and safeguarding queries. ChurchSuite – personal data, provided by consent, will be processed via ChurchSuite in order to maintain the conferencing database and to allow communication via email. ClearBooks – for financial purposes relating to giving information and maintains a database of donors etc. Google – for communication purposes via email and data/document storage. HM Revenue & Customs – for financial purposes. HSBC Bank – for financial purposes. MailChimp and TextLocal – for church-wide communication. Please see below for further information relating to MailChimp. Professional advisers (lawyers, insurers in the UK who provide legal and insurance services). We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and treat your data in accordance with the law. Our third party service providers are not allowed to use your personal data for their own purposes. They are only permitted to process your personal details for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. 5.1. International Transfers- We do not transfer your personal data outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). However we do use MailChimp, which is a third party communications and marketing provider, whose servers are based in the USA. MailChimp is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield framework approved by the European Commission.

6. How long do we keep your personal data? We keep data for as long as you are using of Valley Conferencing and/or have consented to us keeping you informed of events and activities in our organisation. Specifically, we retain membership data while it is still current.

7. Your rights and your personal data Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: ● The right to request a copy of your personal data which Valley Conferencing holds about you and your organisation; ● The right to request that Valley Conferencing corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;

  • The right to request your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary for Valley Conferencing to retain such data;

  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time

  • The right to request that the data controller provide the data subject with his/her personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller, (known as the right to data portability), (where applicable) [Only applies where the processing is based on consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject and in either case the data controller processes the data by automated means].

  • The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing;

  • The right to object to the processing of personal data, (where applicable) [Only applies where processing is based on legitimate interests (or the performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority); direct marketing and processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics] ● The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.

8. What we may need from you Please note that for any requests made, Valley Conferencing may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that your personal data is not disclosed to any person who has no right to receive it. This may involve contacting you to ask for further information.

9. Obligation to inform us of any changes to your personal data It is very important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate, as such, we ask that you inform us of any changes to your personal data so we may update our database accordingly.

10. Third party website links Our website may include links to third party websites. Please note that by clicking on those links, third parties may be able to collect or share data about you. Any data collected in this way will not have been shared by Valley Conferencing. Valley Conferencing does not control these third party websites and is not responsible for their privacy policies/notices, as such, please ensure that you read the websites’ privacy notice or privacy policy when you visit the site.

11. Further processing If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Privacy Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

12. Contact Details To exercise all relevant rights, queries of complaints please in the first instance contact the Designated Data Controller at: Valley Church, Fourfields, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6GS Telephone: 01772 696717 Email: general@valleychurch.eu You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113, via their website or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Last updated: Thursday 30th May 2019